The crypto asset SocialGood (SG) is listed on the exchanges BitMart, LATOKEN, Bitbns, and Uniswap.
SG can be exchanged for Bitcoin (BTC) on BitMart, USDT on BitMart, LATOKEN, and Bitbns, or INR on Bitbns.
SG exchanges on the ERC-20 network are available on BitMart, LATOKEN, Bitbns, and Uniswap. The Polygon network is available on BitMart, and Bitbns.
In addition to your SG in the SocialGood App, any SG that you add to a connected wallet will be counted towards earning up to 10% APY Staking Rewards. (For more details: The SocialGood App Staking Rewards Membership Program)
Please read below about how to open an account and make transactions on these exchanges so that you can get started trading SG.
1. BitMart
1. Download the BitMart app and click the icon in the top-left corner.
2. If you are not already signed in, click on Login.
3. If you already have an account, sign into it. Otherwise, click on "sign up" to create a new account.
4. Follow the instructions inside the app to create a new account if necessary by using either your mobile number or an e-mail address.
5. Once you are signed in, go back to the homepage and click on the search box.
6. Search for SG and select one of the pairs, depending on what you would like to use to trade SG.
7. You will be taken to the buy page for that pair. Here, you can enter the amount you would like.
1. Go into settings from the top-left of the screen. Either sign in or sign up for an account.
2. Choose either Simple or Advanced, depending on your preference.
3. Back on the homepage, click on "Spot" and then the BTC/USDT pairing to change it.
4. Search for SG and then click on the SG pairing.
5. You will be taken to the buy page for that pair. Here, you can enter the amount you would like.
3. Uniswap
1. Open up the Uniswap website and launch the app.
2. Connect a supported wallet. If you do not already have one, create a wallet. Metamask wallets can be used to stake SG from outside of the app.
3. Once you have a wallet connected, choose to Select a token.
4. Search for SocialGood and click the Import button in the token list. Or, use this link to access Uniswap:
5. Click Import again.
6. If an error message occurs because there's no liquidity, press this button to switch to V2.
7. Select what token you would like to swap for SG and enter the amount.