The SocialGood Project empowers anyone in the world, regardless of nationality, race, or age, to take part in making society better. Everyone who holds SocialGood (SG) is a part of our community as a SocialGood Member. As SocialGood Members, we strive to achieve our vision and follow our principles. In order to make an impact on the world, we will ensure that SG one day is the most popularly held cryptocurrency in the world.
Our Vision
For economic freedom to be achievable across the globe.
To create a global ecosystem that makes society better. Therefore, we will make SG the world’s number one most held cryptocurrency.
SocialGood aims to spread the Social Good Ecosystem™, which improves society, around the world.
Most people around the world have no assets at all and are in a situation where it is very difficult to obtain assets because they lose money as consumers every single day. On the other hand, wealthy individuals, such as shareholders of companies, receive money from consumers and increase their asset value every day through dividends from companies and rising stock prices. For example, worldwide stocks grow at an average annual rate of 6.2%, so the principal amount is projected to increase 6.1 times in 30 years.4
As a result, the gap between most wealthless individuals and some wealthy individuals is widening. Such widening inequality is recognized as a global social issue by nations and organizations around the world (ex. World Economic Forum: Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World, Davos, Switzerland. Jan. 21-24, 2019).
The SocialGood App was created to solve this social challenge and reinvent the current system of capitalism. It is a service in which assets are gained from normal consumption as consumers. Through the worldwide spread of the SocialGood App, SocialGood aims to reduce economic disparity and improve society. In the future, SocialGood plans to implement a mechanism to automatically donate a portion of the gross amount from merchandise sales on the SocialGood App to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) organizations around the world.
SocialGood Membership Principals
As SocialGood Members, we drive for everyone across the world to become SocialGood Members and warmly welcome our new Members into the community like a family.
As SocialGood Members, we kindly help our fellow Members like family to achieve higher Membership Ranks.
As SocialGood Members, we unite to enthusiastically support the SocialGood Team to achieve the SocialGood Project’s vision together. We promise, no matter the circumstances we face, to never give up until SG is the world’s number one cryptocurrency with the most holders.
Released 11/01/2021
Member count: 306,981 users