Your Assets Screen shows information about how much SocialGood cryptocurrency (SG) you hold in the app. The following items are explained on this page.
- The amount of SG you hold in the SocialGood App and its current value (SG in your connected wallet are not included)
- The change in the amount of SG you hold in the SocialGood App and the change in its current value. You can select the past week (daily basis), past month (weekly basis), past 6 months (monthly basis), or year (2-month basis) to check how it has changed within the period. The blue bar on the bar graph indicates the SG you earned through shopping or campaigns, the green bar shows the amount of Staking Rewards that you earned.
- Total SG: The total of your Earned SG + Staking Rewards
- Earned SG: The total amount of SG you earned through shopping or campaigns (Approved SG+Pending SG)
Please click here to learn more about Approved SG and Pending SG. - Staking Rewards: The current amount of Staking Rewards still in the app that you have earned from your held SG. Staking Rewards is a program where you can earn up to 15% annually based on the amount of SG you hold and your total purchase amount for the past 2 months. The amount given is calculated daily and is based on your membership rank.
To find more about membership ranks and Staking Rewards, click here. - Total Market Value: The market value of your total SG. If you select a previous date on the chart, the total market value will be calculated based on the previous total SG and market rate.
- Market Rate: The amount of USD equivalent for 1SG. If you select a previous date on the chart the market rate for that date will be displayed.
- Withdraw SG: Start the process to withdraw your approved SG from inside the app to your connected wallet.
Clicking on each item will take you to its detailed information.
- Earned SG: The same as the earned SG on the previous screen.
- Staking Rewards: The amount of Staking Rewards SG you hold.
- The Bonus Rate is the interest rate you can earn from your membership rank. The interest rate shown here is in APY.
- Total Staked SG is the principal SG amount used when calculating staking rewards
Total Staked SG is calculated as = Approved SG inside the SocialGood App * 1.03 + SG inside of your connected outside wallet + Staking Rewards