Holders of SG can now use Uniswap's open and accessible automated liquidity provision to swap SG with thousands of other tokens. The process is simple and recommended for transferring small SG balances gained from Shopping Mining™ on the SocialGood App. Each transfer minimizes gas fees and offers great rates and smooth transactions.
Use the below link to access Uniswap:
In order to search for SocialGood, please input the following contract code in the "Select a token" search bar:
How to use:
1. Open Uniswap in your browser.
2. Input the amount of SG you would like to swap.
3. Choose your desired token.
4. Connect your wallet.
5. Click on Swap.
6. Preview the transaction in the pop-up window.
7. Confirm the transaction request in your wallet.
8. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the Ethereum blockchain. You can monitor its status on https://etherscan.io/.